squirrels, raccoons, rats, bats and other wildlife
Rodent control protocol
Nonchemical control measures that include correcting sanitation issues, habitat modifications and exclusion are the most effective measure to eliminating rodent infestations along with trapping.

The most beneficial measure is to seal up all entry points inside and outside of the structure using ½" hardware cloth, caulk and steel wool.
Clean up and reduce clutter inside and around the exterior of the structure. Storing as many items off the floor/ground will allow for proper cleaning and inspections.
Remove food and water sources in and around the structure. Place perishable items and pet food in hard plastic, metal or glass containers with tight fitting lids.

Keep interior and exterior garbage containers closed with tight fitting lids. Also, move any garbage containers as far away from the exterior of the structure as possible (100 feet or more is best).
Keep bird feeders away from the house and use squirrel guards to reduce rodent access to feeder. Stop using bird feeders while in the process of eliminating a rodent infestation.
Trim/remove overgrown vegetation, shrubbery and tree limbs, keeping it away from the structure and reducing areas for rodents to nest.
Trapping and Baiting
Trapping rodents using glue boards, snap or multi-catch traps is a very effective control method for rodents. It has several advantages: reduces the use of rodenticides and the problems that come with baiting (odors), visual confirmation of kill and carcasses can be disposed of correctly, easy to setup and use, and no rodenticide contamination inside sensitive accounts or secondary poisoning.
Downside of trapping: devices have to placed where children, pets and non-target wildlife will not come in contact with them. Must monitor daily.
*Identify the rodent before determining your control strategy.

Trapping: always read label before using rodenticide
Use correct size trap for rodent you are controlling: small glue boards or wooden snap traps for mice and large glue trays and Vector or T-Rex snap traps for rats.
Always put on your rubber gloves when handling rodenticides, snap traps, multi-catch traps and dead carcasses!
Place and set traps next to areas where signs of rodent activity is found, preferably with the trap jaws facing a wall.
Minimum of 4 snap traps in each area, unless it's a small confined space like a closet or pantry.
Bait traps with Nutella, dried fruit, nuts and even pieces of bacon for Norway rats. Nuts, fruit, grains and even vegetables for Roof rats. Cereals, Nutella, nuts and grains for mice.
Place traps along runways, walls, in closets/pantry areas, pipe chases, attics, drop ceilings, garage areas. When placing a trap on pipe chases or overhead, trap must be fixed to the pipe or structure.
Traps should be monitored daily when controlling or eliminating rodents with traps.

Baiting with rodenticide:
All rodenticides must be placed in a tamper proof container and made stationary if used around children, pets or non-target wildlife. *Never throw or place bait in a crawlspace or attic.
Protecta Keyless Bait Stations w/ one bait block for mice and Protecta LP or Sidekick w/ two or more for rats. Increase the number of bait placements according to the size of the infestation.
Due to rat's fear of anything new in their living area, best practice would be to bait with non-toxic bait/food for 5-7 days before using rodenticide. (Pre-baiting) Protecta Keyless Bait Stations w/ one bait block for mice and Protecta LP or Sidekick w/ two or more for rats. Increase the number of bait placements according to the size of the infestation.
Exterior/Non-Living areas for bait stations: along runways, entry points, crawlspaces, attic space, around exterior foundation, fence rows, trash can/dumpster areas and waterways with overgrown grass/weeds.
Always place stations where non-target animals are not likely to come in contact with the rodenticide.
If baiting at a commercial account, make sure you are familiar with any third party audit guidelines and standards.
Exterior bait placement intervals can be closer together if higher levels of activity is found and further apart when little to no rodent activity is found.
Do not treat with liquid insecticides around or near a bait station.
Using rodenticides inside in a structure should always be the last resort and check the LABEL!